Friday, February 4, 2011

15 (and a half) weeks

(I'm going to stick with my original due date calendar, but I may be a week ahead of that. The baby is measuring big--which MUST mean that I'm further along than they thought since I simply refuse to have a big baby.)

Not much has changed in the last week. Except for, you know, THIS.

WHAT!? I knew I'd grow a lot in the next few weeks/months, but I didn't realize the baby would absorb my butt. It's gone! I was about 134lbs before, and now I weigh about 141. I feel like that's a reasonable amount for a woman to gain over four months of pregnancy, but the online chart I was following says it's at the high end. So I stopped following it. Bastards.

Also, my belly button is being bizarre. I know that it will (eventually) pop out (which is gross), but it's just kind of hardening around the upper edge right now, and there's a thumbprint-sized dimple right above it. I haven't read anything online about this, so I am a little concerned. The good news is that we might be able to feel the baby move. I think I've felt it, and Dallas is positive he has. He said he felt something--like a knee?--move across my stomach. I'm still unsure. I'm waiting for a sensation that couldn't possibly be anything else. This next appointment (February 9) cannot get here quickly enough. I know it hasn't been THAT long since the last appointment, but I need to hear the heartbeat or see the baby squirming around or something. I get a little more anxious and panicked every day. I need to know it's okay.

Check out this bedding. We're not buying anything right now, obviously, but I've been looking around with some help from Dallas's sister. She found this on Etsy, and I love it. I would do some combination of F,G,H, and K for a boy. I've had this set for a girl picked out for over a month, and it's a helluva lot cheaper. We'll find out what we're having in about 4 weeks.

And lastly--here's the latest weird dream. I was on a quest for something, and I had to win a karaoke contest to get the last clue. Everyone was encouraging me to sing "Midnight Train to Georgia," but, unfortunately, I decided to sing...a Snickers bar? Yes. I got on stage and attempted to SING A CANDY BAR. My subconscious is a freak.


  1. Just fyi, we're the same weight, and I'm NOT four months pregnant. :SIGH:

  2. You're also MUCH taller than I am. Plus, you're all muscle and bone and hotness.

  3. you look so cute with your tiny baby belly. Don't stress about your weight. Just eat healthy and drink water.

    I spent soooo much time looking at bedding sets. In the end, someone actually gave me a set, and I'm so glad about that because as it turns out, you don't use them very much. You're not supposed to use the quilt/blanket or the bumper pad because they increase the chances of SIDS deaths. That leaves the fitted sheet and the bedskirt. Honestly, if I had to do it again and I didn't get it for free, I would just buy really cute sheets and a cute bedskirt. But that's no fun, I know.

    we should have lunch sometime! I'm lonely these days without school. btw, when's your due date?
