Saturday, March 26, 2011

22.5 weeks

Two thoughts:

I look pregnant! A stranger asked me if I'm having a boy or a girl, so it's officially official.

Two songs are guaranteed to get Dresden moving: "Just" by Radiohead and "Low" by FloRida. This kid is my favorite.

And an update:

I'll be 23 weeks on Tuesday, and I have another appointment on Wednesday. I've gained just under 15 pounds. I keep thinking I'll take a picture of myself the next time I'm properly made-up, but it never happens.

And a question:

What do you think about maternity photo shoots? Dallas is very much against the bare upper body shots, and though I have seen a few that are extremely well done, I don't think I would be comfortable with that level of exposure. In fact, I don't think I'd be comfortable in front of the camera, period. Not that I ever really am, but you know what I mean. I can't imagine shelling out hundreds of dollars for pictures of myself looking awkward and uncomfortable when I can achieve the same thing at the house. Whachuthink?


  1. Re: maternity shots--I am not really a fan of them, especially the nude kind. I see no reason to sexualize pregnancy. I also say that you're the one growin' the person; it's up to you.

  2. I don't really know what the bare shots have that clothed shots don't. I think the ones where people are more clothed are prettier, just because they're still preserving something about themselves--it's not just about the belly. And those shots with women with just their arm (or worse, their partner's arm) around their boobs--I mean, what do boobs have to do with it?

    Anyway, I really like your mirror shots. There simple and honest. You had one up that you took down where I was like 'she's amazing!' because you were just wearing normal, easy clothes. I think if I were torn, I might compromise by wearing an oversized oxford shirt buttoned to my sternum. Realistically, my pregnancy pictures will probably be me smiling cheesily over a mountain of fast food.

  3. Oh, just don't do this:!5786543/mariah-carey-decorates-her-belly/gallery/2

  4. I guess I should return my latex body paint then. Have you seen these?

    All of them are amazing, but I especially love the Christmas card. And the one with the gun.

  5. Might I suggest She's done some beautiful things that aren't nude. Fitted, classy clothes are the best. I mean, who are you going to want to see your naked body? I just wouldn't want that around. But, hey, I might be a prude.

  6. Oh and per thought 1: You now have a pregnant woman walk and it is adorable. A-DOR-ABLE! And I don't know how you do it in heels.

  7. i'm late joining the discussion, as i was busy having a birthday when it was taking place. #1 awkward family photos was my favorite thing i've seen all week (but it is only monday) #2 @ hanna being pregnant is completely sexual, not only does it obviously begin with sex, it is also a tidal wave of femininity, oh yeah, and pregnant women are hot (yeah, you, catherine) #3 back to the question of beautiful photos - YES. should they show a nude belly? - EH - my personal experience is that it surprises me how i forget what i looked like, what it felt like, how strange and mysterious and amazing the whole process of pregnancy. i wish i had a better photo than the one you've seen just to help sharpen the memories. but then i do have a video of the c-section. that's almost as good... why didn't i take pictures!!!?
