I have been pregnant for 252 days. Dresden was the size of a small blueberry when we found out about him and now he weighs about 6 pounds and measures about 18 inches long. He'll technically be considered full term next week, but I don't think I'll go into labor that early. Don't get me wrong. It'd be nice. I'm so ready, and I would love the extra time with him before school starts. But I'm not expecting it. I'm not even convinced he's in position yet. I guess we'll find out soon! Our next appointment is on Thursday, and they're doing the last ultrasound. I think they also start checking "my progress"--which is what I'll call the state of my cervix to avoid actually talking about the state of my cervix. Of course, they can't really predict anything, even with all those tests. If I had to guess, I'd say I'll go into labor after July 12 (after 38 weeks). Myoriginaldue date was July 17, so...here's hoping?
Here are some pictures. The first one was taken last night, the second one was taken 23 weeks ago (just for some perspective and wistful thinking), and then the last one is photographic evidence of my stretch marks. You can skip that one if you'd like.

I think this is the picture I'll put in the baby book. I know it's in the kitchen and not in some beautiful, flower-filled field at sunset, but hey. It took me 12 pictures to get one this good. I'll take it. I do wish that my brother hadn't left his pan on the stove--or at least that I'd noticed it before taking the picture.

My hair was looking awesome, right? I remember being sad about my "pooch" at this point, and I was SO small! I'll probably never be that small again! And my stomach will never, ever, ever look that good again. Mostly because it looks like this now:

It looks like I was clawed by a komodo dragon or something. Honestly, I'm not too bothered by their appearance. It's not like I ever spent time with my stomach showing before, so I can't imagine I'd suddenly have the urge now. Again, don't get me wrong. I'd rather not have them, but I think I did everything I could not to get them. My skin is just so thin and sensitive, no amount of lotion or moderated weight gain would prevent them. They still hurt like hell, but it's mostly the dark, wide one in the middle bottom of my stomach. It's so bad, it's actually swollen. The others feel like indentations, but this one is raised, kind of like a welt. It's a beast. I know some people are embarrassed by their stretch marks, and I know a few others who are really proud of them. I'm not either. It happens. I'll just be happy when they stop stinging.