Sunday, May 1, 2011


I wish there was more I could do to help everyone who has been affected by the tornado. My friends are all doing an amazing job of volunteering around town and cleaning up the wreckage, but I want to be with them, helping alongside them. I've heard so many stories about families who've lost everything, about parents who walk around with their babies wrapped in towels because they have no diapers or clothing. I understand that it's just not practical for a pregnant woman to be out there all day, and I know why Dallas wants me to be at home, but it hurts my heart to feel this helpless. He drove me down McFarland today, and I just started weeping. I kept waiting to donate money, thinking I'll go buy supplies tomorrow! or I'll go sign up at the church! but it never happened, mostly because Dallas needs the car for work, and by the time he gets home, he's physically and emotionally exhausted. He works at the Home Depot, not too far from where the tornado ripped through town, and it's apparently been turned into command central for many relief efforts. Anyhow. I realized today that while I can't do everything I want, I could donate money and that that would be better than just biding my time. So I did. ( We don't have much money, and I feel like an able-bodied person would be more helpful than what we can give, but apparently being pregnant means I'm no longer able-bodied.

I thought that I missed the caffeine, or the cigarettes, or the social life that went along with drinking, or chili dogs, or cheese dip, but nothing I've given up has compared to sitting on the sidelines for the last few days. Don't get me wrong. I know how lucky I am. I thank God every night that my baby is still healthy and that he still has a father, that I still have a husband. I thank God that all of my friends here in Tuscaloosa are safe. I just feel so...worthless.

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